Lookbook 2017
From this we have created a short body of work to go with our collection. This was shot by my good friend Jack Joyce who is a very highly skilled photographer who has won a couple awards for the work he has done throughout his career, feel free to go view jacks work on his website (www.jackcurtisjoyce.com) or on his instagrams (@jack_joyce or @jackcurtisjoyce).
The models we used for this were two good friends of mine, Zuzia Meller (right) Harry Pickett (middle of top photo) and Emilia Jones (left) both have a enthusiastic vibes about fashion.
Mill Jones, shot by Jack Joyce
Zuzia Meller shot by Jack Joyce
Pickett & Mill (Picket fell over a few days before and bust his lip, allow him) shot by Jack Joyce
Yours truly, Zuz and Pickett shot by Jack Joyce